24August2017新技術 更多


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兼爱环境的医疗服务提供商–医管局 新技術

1June2016新技術 更多

New Product Launch - Christmas & Decorative Lighting

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New Product Launch - Christmas & Decorative Lighting 新技術

Celex announced today a series of LED Christmas & Decorative Lightings. Designed for all sorts of festive or event centric decoration, this new series is aimed at beautifying the event hall or the structure scene. The product offering includes a broad variety of 2D and 3D design, like all kinds or colorful and flashing plants, flowers, trees, animals, bridges, gates, vehicles, etc. Such new products have been installed in Australia, Hong Kong and Gibraltar since their announcement.
18July2015新聞 活動 新技術 更多

LED Lighting Technology Research from Leighton Asia, A Leading Construction Company in Asia

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LED Lighting Technology Research from Leighton Asia, A Leading Construction Company in Asia 新聞 活動 新技術

A leading global construction company, Leighton Asia delivers a portfolio of high-profile infrastructure projects across Asia spreading through Hong Kong, their headquarters base, Indonesia, India, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Iraq. In Hong Kong, their most recent giant projects include Central Reclamation Phase III, Central Wan Chai Bypass, Tin Shui Wai Hospital, MTR South Island Line and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge Hong Kong Cross Boundary Facilities – Passenger Customer Clearance Building, just to name a few. Considering Celex LED a close lighting partner of them, particularly after our winning of the award of the lighting project for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, Leighton sent a group of project experts and senior engineers to visit Celex R&D Centre on July 18. During the visit, we shared insights about the latest LED lighting technology in the world and how our new design and quality assurance process of lighting solutions can satisfy their acute demand for lighting effect and product quality in their current and future projects. Amidst the numerous activities that day, the delegate also toured our entire R&D facilities including our sophisticated testing lab. The visiting team agreed that their time was well spent at the closing remark.
4July2015新聞 活動 新技術 更多

WSP - World's Top Consulting Firm Exploring the Secret of Quality at Celex R&D Centre

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WSP - World's Top Consulting Firm Exploring the Secret of Quality at Celex R&D Centre 新聞 活動 新技術

WSP is a world leading and renowned services firms to provide professional services and integrated solutions to governments, businesses, architects and planners across many disciplines. Their expertise ranges from environmental remediation to urban planning and from developing the energy sources of the future to enabling new ways of extracting essential resources. They have approximately 31,000 employees worldwide at present. In a bid to explore Celex LED’s latest lighting technology and quality assurance process, WSP sent a delegate of some 40 engineers, technicians, consultants and on-site implementers to visit our R&D Centre in Shenzhen on a sunny Saturday of July 4, 2015. The visiting team was amazed to see our QA centre, testing lab, IES validating room and simulated structures like public facilities, gardens, pubs, hotels, etc. They were also excited to witness how we ultilize our equipment and processes to optimze our technological advancement, product quality and control innovation.
23June2015新聞 活動 新技術 更多

The Award of A Largest Tender ever - The HZMB Project

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The Award of A Largest Tender ever - The HZMB Project 新聞 活動 新技術

Despite still amidst construction, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge has already become a spotlight in the eyes of many people. Expected to be completed in 2017, this tremendous project – a 50km link with a series of bridges and tunnels – shall vastly shorten the distance and boost the tourism and trade of most individuals, households and businesses of Hong Kong. Celex LED is honored to be given the opportunity to supply LED lighting solutions for the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – the Passenger Clearance Building. On one hand, we have tailored over 30 types of lightings, mostly flood lights, down lights and string lights, to meet the unique, dynamic and scriptural design of the 40,000m2, 30m high building demand. On the other, we are still working with the relevant architects, lighting designers and contractors to perfect the installation and commissioning of this mission critical project.
24February2015新聞 活動 新技術 更多


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开启照明发展的新一页–远程探射灯 新聞 活動 新技術

里昂虽然是一个只有五十万人口的自治区,但已是继巴黎和马赛之后,法国第三大城市。里昂的城市规划及LED照明也出奇地先进。在徐润培博士和许晓勇先生于2015年2月24日的里昂之行中,便参观了不少最新的LED照明科技,他们游览了很多酒店和景点。此外,他们亦参观了邻近海岸的一种特别照明灯–地面探射灯,这种灯具设计类似饱和度极高的泛光灯。这种探射灯可于从一端把一束强而有力的灯光照亮,然后投射到远距离的目的地(如左图所示),有人可能会把它置于地面,投向天空,也有人把它用于大型的货船照明。为了能源效益着想,CELEX LED决定采用我们的LED技术进行测试。如果此测试通过,我们相信可使这些每盏超过1000伏特的LED灯将节省最少50%的电力。
1December2014新聞 新技術 更多


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首个成功为南美海外进行照明改进工程的里程碑 新聞 新技術

CELEX LED在2014年年底于智利完成了一项照明改进项目。这个项目见证着CELEX LED于海外市场渗透率的成功。这个项目的精髓并不在于其销量,而是在于照明产品的多样化和应用范围。安装的客户是智利的一家主要的生产及贸易公司,他们把整个集团的照明装置都更换为我们的产品。得到他们的支持,我们才有机会向他们提供全线包括办公室、会议室、厂房、仓库、停车场和外墙等切合他们要求的照明解决方案。我们非常高兴是次能获得客户对我们的产品和服务的肯定,并认为决定采用我们的产品是明智之举。现在,他们已成功把能源效益的应用套用到他们的工作环境中,更能体会到LED灯除了可为他们节省成本之外,还有更多其他的好处。
7November2014活動 新技術 更多


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全新LED照明应用的知识分享 活動 新技術

在2014年11月,我们很高兴请到新昌营造集团来到CELEX LED深圳科技研发中心参观。我们借此机会向他们展示了CELEX最新的LED照明技术及切合客户需求的LED照明热门解决方案。在中场休息时,我们还谈论了市场的走势、最新的科技、新节能效益和对安全标准的期望。应新昌集团的要求,我们带了他们参观了CELEX LED的产品测试室及QA产品质量保证部门,还为他们做了一个简短全面的LED照明课程,使他们今日的参观之旅变得更为充实。
18August2014新聞 活動 新技術 更多


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酒店代表访问CELEX研发中心 新聞 活動 新技術

7May2014新聞 活動 出版 新技術 更多

在 Build 4 Asia2014展览中展示CELEX最先进的LED 照明方案

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在 Build 4 Asia2014展览中展示CELEX最先进的LED 照明方案 新聞 活動 出版 新技術

在2014年5月7至9日,我们参加了Build 4 Asia—Elenex2014的展览。在展览过程中,我们展示了我们的LED解决方案,并示范了这些照明如何改变一幢大厦的感觉和气氛,提升它们的价值。我们的摊位色彩斑烂,十分显眼。因此,吸引了许多专业的建筑师和楼宇设计师和他们宝贵的意见。